We are more than a billion of Muslims watching live the slaughtering of our brothers in Gaza. We feel helpless, we feel humiliated and we feel guilty because we are unable to help them, neither militarily – to defend them and free our colonized holy land, nor “humanitarianly” – to save them from starvation, send them medicines, food, or some water.

All we can do is to stand at the door of empires with our plea for a ceasefire, begging mercy from them at the empires security council AKA United Nations Security Council. And it takes a single-handed veto from the evil empire to reject our plea and for the genocide to go on despite our billion unheard voices. Then, trapped in our shameful weakness, we act as if we can’t see the jungle-like world we live in where empires rule with fear and terror. We play the game of the so-called western civilized world and abide by their unfair rules. We draft another plea to deposit once again at the feet of the same evil empire who is the first accomplice in this genocide. We keep humiliating ourselves again and again.


Because we are scattered in a multitude of weak countries. Isolated and weak countries cannot fight empires. Only an empire can do.

And that’s what is missing in the Islamic World today.

A Muslim empire.

Today 3rd March marks the 100th anniversary of the abolition of Khilafa by the Turkish parliament in 1924. More than a religious institution, Khilafa represented the Muslim empire that could challenge Western empires. Throughout history, the world of Islam has never experienced such a disgrace. A century has passed with not a single Muslim empire to protect its faith, its land and Muslims’ lives from enemies’ empires’ threats.

Without a strong Muslim empire, our countries will carry on begging empires for mercy not to be eaten first in the menu of their meal feast… And we, billion of Muslims, we will keep watching the genocide of our brothers with guilt and humiliation…